Acoustic Performance Certificates Home » Certifications and Standards » Acoustic Performance Certificates ProdottoResistenza al FuocoNorma di RiferimentoAcustica TAMBURATA 1N/C140-327 dB TAMBURATA 2N/C140-328 dB TAMBURATA 3N/C140-330 dB EVO30.28EI 30140-328 dB EVO60.30EI 60140-330 dB REI 30 EXTRAREI 30140-330 dB LZ30 35dBEI 30140-335 dB LZ.00.35N/C10140-235 dB LZ30 41dBEI 3010140-241 dB FM30 33dBEI 30140-333 dB RM30 31dBEI 30140-331 dB LZ58.60.34EI 60140-334 dB LZ58.60.39EI 6010140-239 dB LZ58.60.43EI 6010140-243 dB LZ58.00.45N/C10140-245 dB LZ58.00.36N/C10140-236 dB LZ58.00.41N/C10140-241 dB LZ58.00.38 (SENZA BATTUTA)N/C10140-238 dB LZ74.60 40dBEI 60140-340 dB L STAR 60 40dBREI 60140-340 dB L STAR 60 38dBREI 60140-338 dB L120.41 (2 ANTE)REI 120140-341 dB L120.39REI 120140-339 dB L120.43REI 120140-343 dB L120.41REI 120140-341 dB LM30.28REI 30140-328,5 dB LM30.35REI 30140-335 dB WM58.00.37N/C10140-237 dB WM58.00.37 (CON SOPRALUCE)N/C10140-237 dB WM88.00.43N/C10140-243 dB WM88.00.45N/C10140-245 dB WM88.00.47N/C10140-247 dB WM88.00.49N/C10140-249 dB WM88.00.47 stcN/CASTM E90-09STC 47 WM88.00.50 stcN/CASTM E90-09STC 50 Request information Fill out the form on the side to request information about our products. we will contact you as soon as possible to answer your request Name Surname Company Country Phone E-mail Message Data processing and Privacy Data processing and Privacy Data processing and Privacy - regulation 679/16 and Legislative Decree 196/03. With reference to the processing of data according to current legislation and the GDPR (regulation 679/16) and Legislative Decree 196/03 it is specified that the processing of the data provided will be finalized exclusively for the services requested by the customer and by the interested parties with whom it is in contact 11 + 8 = Send